Beautiful and vulnerable words Michelle! I have been going through a journey - gaining weight rapidly due to medication, an autoimmune condition and mental health.

At times I almost feel like I need to explain myself (and my weight gain) to people, assure them I’m ok, I’ve just been on a high dose of prednisone to get a colitis flare under control. But that’s my issue to deal with, not anyone else’s and this is something I am working on.

The bottom line is I wasn’t ok, and weight gain was a symptom of a much bigger problem (bowel removal or meds)?! My mental health also deteriorated around this time which didn’t help. The journey is hard, really really hard at times.

Self compassion is something I am working on and I feel it is an important part of my journey and healing, and hopefully I can help others like you are, one day too.

Sharing is so important and you have at least touched me tonight with your words (and I have no doubt, many others)!

I look forward to listening to your podcasts and reading more of your articles.

Would love to catch up for a cuppa and chat if you are in Canberra and are interested. Take care of YOU ♥️

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Hey Gem, first, thank you for sharing your story. Hearing about your medical condition and as you mentioned the knock on effect with you mental health is compelling. Sharing so openly about the struggle I know will help many; it's difficult to share, but doing so creates opportunities for others to follow in your footsteps.

You hit the nail on the head; self-compassion is vital; we as women are all too often harshest on ourselves and 99% of the time, the situation is out of our control.

You're a beautiful soul; thank you again for sharing!

And last but not least, it's a yes for a coffee the next time in town.


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